Common sense on a plate

Common sense on a plate

Would you like to eat better, but "healthy eating" still feels like an abstract concept to you?

Would you love to find a way to cook efficiently and effortlessly without spending long hours in the kitchen?

Could you use some flexible recipes that can easily adapt to your needs and tastes?

Do you find yourself agreeing with any of these statements?

– Food can’t be good, healthy, and simple to prepare at the same time!
– Cooking healthy meals is too much work and requires expensive ingredients!
– I feel lost in the kitchen, I can’t seem to get it right, and cooking always ends up with a lot of cleaning!
– I don’t know where to shop for healthy food!
– There are so many diets on the internet – I don’t know which one to choose!
– Meal planning is too complicated for me, I can never think ahead for the whole week!
– I can’t make a move in the kitchen without a recipe!

Ten years ago, I would have answered yes to all of these points…

...but today, nothing in the kitchen surprises me anymore. I know how to improvise with food and exactly what to eat to feel great and stay healthy.

When my first daughter Elisabeth was born, I wanted to cook healthy meals for her, but I had no idea where to start. I was like a bull in a china shop in the kitchen, and I had no clue what “healthy” really meant. However, I didn’t give up. I kept learning and educating myself.

By the time my second daughter Anna was born, I was able to cook decently without creating a mess in the kitchen, and the results were mostly successful. But I still struggled with the concept of “healthy” and could never stick to any diet. So, I continued studying the topic, searching for a sustainable version of healthy eating.

When my third daughter Madeleine was born, I had finally achieved my goal. Not only can I effortlessly cook meals that everyone enjoys, but I also truly understand what it means to eat healthily. I can eat exactly what my body needs without ever feeling restricted.

I now share all my acquired experiences with you in my e-book. Among other things, you will learn:

What healthy eating really means

You'll understand what truly benefits your body. With my background in law, I present information clearly, logically, and comprehensively, without any nonsense.

How to shop for food

With practical tips, you'll organize your shopping to save both time and money.

Tips on how to cook and what to cook

You'll gain practical kitchen tips and a collection of recipes from which you can create up to a hundred different meals.

Imagine the feeling when you open the fridge and see it full of fresh ingredients, knowing that in a few moments, you’ll whip up something not only delicious but also healthy for you and your entire family. You feel at ease because you’re no longer restricted by any diets and know exactly what’s best for you. You try new recipes without fear and with joy, because cooking is no longer a stressful chore but a moment of creativity and relaxation.

Everything important that I have learned over the past 10 years is now shared with you in the form of an e-book with over 80 pages full of clear information and flexible recipes. No nonsense, just common sense.

For the price of £20, which is less than the cost of one family dinner at a restaurant, you’ll get an e-book full of practical advice that will make your everyday cooking easier and help transform your perspective on healthy eating.

To make sure you know what you're getting, you can preview the contents of the e-book.

And if it turns out that the e-book isn’t right for you, I offer a 10-day money-back guarantee after purchase.


Po přečtení tohoto eBooku jsem si doslova sedla na zadek. Za poslední roky jsem toho o zdravé stravě přečetla opravdu hodně. Jednak mě to zajímá, ale hlavně jsem si sama prošla řadou zažívacích problémů. Navíc jsem profesionální výživová poradkyně a většinou mi jde hlava kolem z toho, co se vydává za zdravou stravu a životní styl. A tady to přišlo, to je ono! Žádná dieta, která někomu fungovala, převlečená za zdravý životní styl pro všechny. Žádné raw, paleo, vegan nebo jiná dieta. Prostě jednoduchý a jasný návod, jak zjistit co vyhovuje právě mě (nebo komukoliv jinému). Každý z nás je totiž jiný a je tedy logické, že jedna dieta nemůže fungovat všem. Pokud chcete vědět, jak na zdravé jídlo a jak si ho nastavit sobě na míru, vřele doporučuji tento eBook!!! Navíc je plný opravdu praktických rad - jak poznat kvalitní jídlo a které raději nekupovat, jak jídla plánovat,  tipy na vaření, recepty... Podepsala bych se pod všechno, co jsem v eBooku četla a doporučuji jako povinnou četbu do každé rodiny;-)
Pavla B.
Katka mi svými praktickými radami v e-booku hezky ucelila různé informace, které mám již delší dobu v hlavě, ale ne všechny plně v praxi využívám. Tak věřím, že díky tomu, jak vše Katka skvěle a systematicky popsala, si teď konečně udělám ve všem systém, který mi ušetří čas. 🙂 A báječné jsou i recepty, které určitě do vaření zařadím. 
Monika H.
V tomto ebooku jsem se dočetla spoustu zajímavých věcí a tipů, o kterých jsem dosud netušila. A také mě přesvědčil,že zdravé stravování není vůbec taková věda,jak by se mohlo zdát. Závěrečné recepty,které si můžu jednoduše upravit podle svojí chutí,jsou taky super.
Romana H.

Bonus - FREE with your purchase

The vegetable cheat sheet

Taking the guesswork out of cooking, you can figure out at a glance what vegetable goes well with what dish from the recipe section of my e-book. 

The first step on your journey to healthy eating is the easiest one – just click the "Order e-book now" button.