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Winter vegetable gratin

Christmas is done and dusted, and it’s time for something different—something filling, warming, and perfect for cozy winter evenings. For me, that dish is vegetable gratin. It’s simple to prepare, versatile, and can be made with whatever vegetables you have on hand. This gratin is one of my favorite winter dishes. It’s easy to make […]

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Accidental fruit tart

This cake recipe came about, like many things in the kitchen, completely by accident. The kids unexpectedly brought home a huge amount of foraged blackberries and were craving cake. It was just a few days after we’d returned from vacation, and I hadn’t had time to do a proper grocery run, so the cupboards were

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Instant ice-cream

Ice cream is as much a part of summer holidays as mince pies are to Christmas. Without it, it wouldn’t be a true summer. In the past, I would happily buy ice cream anywhere and any kind without worrying about the ingredients. However, over the years, as I’ve become more conscious about my health, my

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Homemade Granola

This is another recipe where the effort-to-result ratio strongly favors the homemade version. All you need is 5 minutes of active time and you’ll have a granola that is better, cheaper, and healthier than the average store-bought version in every way. And like most of my recipes, it’s highly adaptable, so you can customize it

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