Common sense on a plate

Common sense on a plate

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Green liquid gold – pesto

At my house, pesto is something I make at least once a week, and I almost always have some ready in the fridge because it ...
/ Recipes

What’s the deal with calories?

I believe that one of the most common methods people use to try to lose weight is calorie counting. The theory seems very straightforward and ...
/ About healthy eating

Quick roasted vegetable sauce

This is my go-to summer recipe when two of the following conditions are met: 1) I have lots of random leftover vegetables and can’t think ...
/ Recipes

Instant ice-cream

Ice cream is as much a part of summer holidays as mince pies are to Christmas. Without it, it wouldn't be a true summer. In ...
/ Recipes

Chips, new TV and taking a break

Imagine you're trying to save money for a beach vacation. Every day, you turn over every penny, longingly look into shop windows, but never treat ...
/ About healthy eating

Homemade Granola

This is another recipe where the effort-to-result ratio strongly favors the homemade version. All you need is 5 minutes of active time and you'll have ...
/ Recipes

5 minute sourdough bread

I am baking this bread with a futuristic vision of new technology capable of transmitting not only images or sounds, but also smells through a ...
/ Recipes

A designer dress or a shirt from Poundland?

You might think after reading the title that you're in the wrong place, or that I've quickly grown tired of nutrition. But bear with me, ...
/ About healthy eating